

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 5 months ago

The International AIDS Vigil


Thursday, August 17, 2006, 9 PM, Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto, Canada



AP Photo/CP/Nathan Denette



For Media: A selection of high-resolution photos from The Vigil can be downloaded from our media page. Please click on the "Files" tab at the top or bottom of the page to see all current images.



Media Releases

  • July 25, 2006 - The International AIDS Vigil: Public Event in Heart of Downtown Toronto Caps 16th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2006)


  • August 15, 2006 - Media Release - Public Memorial Brings Together Local and International Artists, Activists and Community Leaders To Honour, Remember and Celebrate Those Who Have Lost Their Lives to HIV/AIDS




Media Coverage


*2sides2ron:The International AIDS Vigil


*Advocate.com: International AIDS vigil set for August 17 in Toronto


*HIV/AIDS Community Action Blog


*BlogTO: In Photos: AIDS Vigil


*Canada.com: Clement heckled as thousands gather for AIDS candlelight vigil


*Canoe Live: AIDS Vigil


*CBC News: AIDS victims remembered at candlelight vigil


*CBC.CA: The AIDS Vigil from behind the lens


*CBC  News - Photos by Robin Rowland


*CFRB Radio: AIDS Vigil


*CityNews: Clement tries to deflect criticism at AIDS vigil


*CTV Toronto: Thousands remember AIDS victims in T.O. vigil


*Flickr - Photos by DawnOne


*Flickr - Photos by delineated


*Flickr - Photos by photosapience


*Flickr- Photos by Henry Roxas


*Flickr - Photos by sheep chaser


*GayGuideToronto - Photos by Dominic Chan


*Global National: Clement heckled AIDS summit wraps


*torontoist.com: Gone but not forgotten


*Toronto Star: Thousands remember AIDS victims


*Toronto Sun: Vigil honours the dead


*Yahoo News: People shed a tear while taking part in AIDS Vigil


*Yahoo Italia: A woman sheds a tear while taking part in an AIDS vigil




Features of Interest


*CBC News In Depth: AIDS


*Globe & Mail: AIDS Conference


*Positively Positive - Living with HIV/AIDS

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