
Ontario HIV-AIDS Statistics

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago


HIV/AIDS in Ontario - 32,037 and growing



The following statistics are from a report on HIV/AIDS in Ontario 2004 published in February 2006 by Robert S. Remis, MD, MPH, University of Toronto; Carol Swantee, BSc, HIV Laboratory; Lorraine Schiedel, RN, BScN, Public Health Branch; Maraki Fikre Merid, MSc, University of Toronto; Juan Liu, MSc, University of Toronto.


The epidemic continues to grow in Ontario:

  • 24,251 people in Ontario are now living with HIV
  • 32,037 people in Ontario have been infected with HIV
  • 8,267 people have died, 26% of the total


The means of infections are changing. Of those infected:

  • 14,927 are men seeking sex with men
  • 3,356 are people from HIV endemic regions
  • 3,367 were infected through heterosexual transmission
  • 1,768 were infected through injection drug use


New infections continue to increase overall, after declining for a number of years

It is estimated that in 2004 there were:

  • 1,690 new infections in Ontario in 2004. This is an increase of 39% since 2000.
  • 870 new infections among are men having sex with men. This is almost double the number of infections since 1996 which saw 470 new infections.
  • 80 new infections were among injection drug users, a decline of 40% since 1992-93 when there were 200 new infections among this group.
  • 350 women were newly infected (20.1% of the total). The proportion of HIV diagnoses comprised by women has increased from 1.8% in 1985 to 27-29% in 2002-2004. The number of new HIV diagnoses in women in 2004 was 75% greater than in 2000.
  • New infections in people from countries where HIV is endemic have continued to increase every year since the start of the epidemic


Many people infected with HIV have not been diagnosed.

It is estimated that:

  • 66% of people who are infected know their diagnosis.
  • 47% of heterosexuals know that they are infected
  • 50% of people from endemic countries know they are infected.


NOTE: Diagnoses is the number of people in a population who actually test HIV positive in Ontario in a given year. Incidence is the number of newly acquired infections within a given year, a modeled estimate. Diagnosis only tells you when someone was diagnosed with HIV but not when they actually got the virus. They could be diagnosed in 2004 but acquired the virus ten years ago. Incidence is the measure of when the virus was actually acquired so if we say that there was an incidence of 800 in gay men we mean that 800 gay men got HIV that year although they may not have diagnosed at that time.



For additional information please contact:

Rick Kennedy, Executive Director, Ontario AIDS Network

Tel: 416-364-4555

E-mail: rkennedy@ontarioaidsnetwork.on.ca

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