
Toronto HIV-AIDS Statistics

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago


HIV/AIDS Statistics for Toronto - August, 2006



With a population of over 2.7 million people, there were 568 new cases of HIV reported in 2004 in the City of Toronto (28.1 cases per 100,000 people). This number represents about one third of all new HIV cases in the Province of Ontario.


Ninety-three cases of AIDS were also reported in 2004. Toronto’s rate of AIDS was more than seven times the rate for the rest of Ontario in 2004.


The number of new cases of HIV and AIDS reported annually in Toronto has decreased over the past ten years, with the exception of a slight increase of HIV in 2002. However, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS has increased due to improved access to HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapies) and the resulting decrease in mortality. In 2004, there were 12 reported AIDS deaths, down dramatically from 433 in 1995 and from 43 in 2003.


The most significant HIV/AIDS trends in Toronto are:

  • Consistently high proportion of new HIV cases among gay and bisexual men
  • Gender – an increasing proportion of new HIV cases among women
  • Increasing number of new HIV cases among people from countries where HIV is endemic (Africa and the Caribbean)
  • Decreasing number of new HIV cases among injection drug users; and
  • AIDS being diagnosed at older ages, and decreasing number of deaths due to AIDS


HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men

  • In 2004, 333 gay and bisexual men were newly diagnosed with HIV
  • Over the decade between 1994 and 2004, gay and bisexual men represented almost 60% of all newly diagnosed cases of HIV
  • The proportion of newly diagnosed cases among gay and bisexual men is greater in Toronto than in the rest of the province or in Canada



  • In 2004, 135 women and 433 men were diagnosed with HIV in Toronto. Over the past ten years, the number of women diagnosed with HIV increased from a low of 53 in 1999 to 137 in 2002.
  • Men made up 76% of those newly diagnosed with HIV in 2004, while 24% were women. However, the gap between male and female HIV cases continues to decrease. In 1995, men experienced HIV at a rate eight times higher than women. In 2004, men experience HIV three times higher than women.


HIV Among Torontonians from Countries where HIV is Endemic (Africa and the Caribbean)

  • Among the 135 female cases in 2004, 84 reported having lived or traveled in a country where HIV is endemic. This is the most commonly reported risk factor for women, representing 62% of newly diagnosed cases in that year. The proportion of female cases with this risk factor increased from 38% in 1994 and peaked at 73% in 2002.
  • Having lived or traveled in an HIV endemic country is the second highest risk factor for men in 2004. Forty-one men (10%) were in this exposure category.


Injection Drug Use

  • The number of injection drug users diagnosed with HIV has dropped over the past ten years as of 2004. In 1994, 62 injection drug users were diagnosed, compared to 18 in 2004. Of those diagnosed in 2004, 11 were men and 7 were women.
  • The proportion of new cases among injection drug users who are also gay and bisexual men has also dropped. Among the injection drug-using men who were diagnosed in 2004, about one third are also gay and bisexual, down from almost half in 1994.



  • There were 93 cases of AIDS reported in Toronto in 2004 (3.6 cases per 100,000 people). This represented a dramatic decrease from 400 in 1994.
  • People newly diagnosed with AIDS are getting older, possibly due to a delayed onset of AIDS as a result of improved access to HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapies). In 2004, those 55 to 64 years of age experienced a rate almost three times higher than the previous year.
  • In 2004, there were 12 reported AIDS deaths in Toronto, down dramatically from 433 in 1995 and from 43 in 2003.



For more information on HIV/AIDS in Toronto:


AIDS and Sexual Health Info Line 1-800-668-2437 / TTY 1-800-387-5559


To obtain a copy of Communicable Diseases in Toronto 2004:


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